Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 9. Montana Living Trust Act

Investigations And Subpoenas

30-10-912. Investigations and subpoenas. (1) The state auditor may:

(a) issue subpoenas, compel testimony, and conduct hearings as provided in Title 2, chapter 4, parts 1 and 6;

(b) make public or private investigations or examinations within or outside this state that the state auditor considers necessary to:

(i) determine whether a license to sell or offer to sell living trusts should be granted, denied, or revoked;

(ii) determine whether a person has violated or is about to violate a provision of this part or any rule or order adopted or issued pursuant to this part; or

(iii) aid in the enforcement of this part or in the prescribing of rules and forms under this part;

(c) require or permit a person to file a statement in writing, under oath or otherwise as the state auditor may determine, relating to the facts and circumstances concerning a matter to be investigated; and

(d) publish information concerning a violation of this part or any rule or order adopted or issued pursuant to this part.

(2) A person is not excused from attending a hearing or from producing a document or record before the state auditor or in obedience to a subpoena of the state auditor or any officer designated by the state auditor or pursuant to any proceeding instituted by the state auditor on the ground that the testimony or evidence, documentary or otherwise, required of the person may tend to incriminate or subject the person to a penalty or forfeiture. This section does not prohibit the state auditor from granting immunity from prosecution for any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which a witness is compelled to testify if the state auditor determines, in the state auditor's discretion, that justice would be served. Immunity may not extend to prosecution or punishment for false statements given pursuant to the subpoena.

History: En. Sec. 12, Ch. 348, L. 1997.