Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 3. Management

Bylaws -- Contents

33-4-302. Bylaws -- contents. (1) The bylaws of a farm mutual insurer must provide:

(a) for the liability of each member for payment of the expenses and losses of the insurer and for what obligations must be given for the expenses and losses when a person applies for insurance;

(b) for the time when obligations of members for losses and expenses become due;

(c) for the limitation of liability of members for the payment of expenses and losses of the insurer;

(d) for the terms of office of the directors. At least part of the directors must be elected at each annual meeting of members. The term of any director may not be longer than 3 years.

(e) the month of the annual meeting of the members, at which vacancies existing or occurring on the board of directors are to be filled by election by the members. Each member must be permitted to cast at least one vote, either in person or, if authorized in the bylaws, by proxy, for each director to be elected and may cumulate the member's votes for one or more directors, not exceeding the number to be elected.

(f) how directors are to be elected in case an election does not occur at the annual meeting or in event of resignation, disability, or death of a director;

(g) the manner and time of giving notice of annual and special meetings of members.

(2) The bylaws may provide:

(a) the character of property to be insured and under what restrictions and limitations;

(b) restrictions and limitations as to membership and the powers, duties, and obligations of the members other than as to obligations covered under subsection (1)(a);

(c) the manner of making and collecting assessments;

(d) the manner of the suspension and expulsion of members;

(e) the form of application and the form of policy;

(f) the manner of making proof, adjustment, and payment of losses;

(g) for who is authorized to adjust losses for the insurer;

(h) for arbitration, as provided in 33-4-411, in the event that the insurer's adjuster and any claimant cannot agree as to the amount of any insured damage or loss;

(i) the duties and compensation of the officers and the bonds to be required of them;

(j) the books and records to be kept by the insurer, the reports required of the officers, and the manner of examining and auditing their accounts;

(k) what must be contained on the corporate seal and when the seal is required to be used;

(l) other matters as may be considered necessary or convenient for the management of the affairs of the insurer.

History: En. Sec. 485, Ch. 286, L. 1959; R.C.M. 1947, 40-4818; amd. Sec. 1149, Ch. 56, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 9, Ch. 169, L. 2013.