Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 4. Finance

Impaired Reciprocals

33-5-412. Impaired reciprocals. (1) If the assets of a reciprocal insurer are at any time insufficient to discharge its liabilities, other than any liability on account of funds contributed by the attorney or others, and to maintain the required surplus, its attorney shall make up the deficiency or levy an assessment upon the subscribers for the amount needed to make up the deficiency, but subject to the limitation set forth in the power of attorney or policy.

(2) If the attorney fails to make up the deficiency or to make the assessment within 30 days after the commissioner orders the attorney to do so or if the deficiency is not fully made up within 60 days after the date the assessment was made, the insurer is considered insolvent and must be proceeded against as authorized by this code.

(3) If liquidation of an insurer is ordered, an assessment must be levied upon the subscriber for an amount, subject to limits as provided by this chapter, that the commissioner determines to be necessary to discharge all liabilities of the insurer, exclusive of any funds contributed by the attorney or other persons but including the reasonable cost of the liquidation.

History: En. Sec. 565, Ch. 286, L. 1959; R.C.M. 1947, 40-5028; amd. Sec. 1165, Ch. 56, L. 2009.