Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 13. Montana Reinsurance Association Act

Board Duties -- Powers

33-22-1308. (Temporary) Board duties -- powers. (1) The board shall:

(a) adopt a plan of operation and the reinsurance parameters for the following year, no later than June 15, 2019, in accordance with the requirements of this part, and update the plan of operation and reinsurance parameters, if needed, no later than May 1 of each succeeding year. The board shall submit its plan of operation to the commissioner for approval.

(b) establish administrative and accounting procedures for the association and the program;

(c) select an association administrator in accordance with 33-22-1309 who will pay reinsurance claims in accordance with the plan of operation; and

(d) set the budget for the reinsurance program for each policy year, including the assessment levels as provided in 33-22-1313 for the various members of the association.

(2) The board may:

(a) enter into contracts as necessary to carry out the purposes of this part;

(b) appoint appropriate actuarial or other committees as necessary to provide technical assistance and any other functions within the authority of the association; and

(c) apply for funds or grants from public or private sources.

(3) The board may be audited by the legislative auditor.

(4) An annual review of the association and the program for solvency and compliance must be performed by an independent certified public accountant using generally accepted accounting principles and submitted to the commissioner and the economic affairs committee of the legislature provided for in 5-5-223 as provided in 5-11-210 for review by June 30 of each year, beginning in 2020.

(5) The board shall prepare an annual report on operations and finance and send that report to the economic affairs interim committee as provided in 5-11-210 and the commissioner by June 30 of each year, beginning in 2020. (Void on occurrence of contingency--sec. 18, Ch. 210, L. 2019--see part compiler's comments.)

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 210, L. 2019.