Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 4. Corporate Indebtedness

Directors' Resolution For Creation Of Debt -- Contents

35-16-402. Directors' resolution for creation of debt -- contents. (1) The board of directors or other officers of a corporation or district organized under the provisions hereof as such shall have no power to incur any debt or liability which will be a lien upon its membership lands, except in accordance with the terms and provisions hereof.

(2) When at a meeting of the directors of any corporation or district organized hereunder, of which meeting each director shall have received at least 5 days' written or telegraphic prior notice, it shall be determined to the interests of said corporation or district for the promotion of its objects and business to create an indebtedness of said corporation or district secured by a first lien or mortgage upon all of the membership lands to the extent allowed under the provisions hereof, such meeting shall pass and spread at length upon their minutes a resolution specifying the purposes for which such debt is to be created, the amount thereof, the rate of interest to be paid thereon, the manner and form of evidencing the same, and any coupons for interest thereon and authorizing, directing, and empowering the executive officers of the corporation or district to, upon the approval of the district court as hereinafter provided for, make, execute, and deliver bonds, notes, coupons, or other evidences of the debt and mortgages, deeds of trust, or other instruments of mortgage and hypothecation for security of the same.

History: En. Sec. 1, Art. 3, Ch. 152, L. 1921; re-en. Sec. 6414, R.C.M. 1921; re-en. Sec. 6414, R.C.M. 1935; R.C.M. 1947, 14-318.