Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 4. Inspections, Investigations, and Compliance

Procedure When Noncompliance Not Likely To Cause Death Or Serious Injury

50-73-413. Procedure when noncompliance not likely to cause death or serious injury. If upon an inspection or investigation the department finds that there has been a failure to comply with a mandatory standard that is applicable to the mine, but that the failure to comply has not created a danger that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm in the mine immediately or before the threat of the danger can be eliminated, it shall determine what would be a reasonable period of time within which the violation should be totally abated and issue a notice fixing a reasonable time for the abatement of the violation. If, upon the expiration of the period of time as originally fixed or extended, the department finds that the violation has not been totally abated and if it also finds that the period of time should not be further extended, it shall also find the extent of the area that is affected by the violation. The department shall order the operator of the mine to have all persons in the area to be withdrawn from and excluded from entering the area, excepting the following persons whose presence in the area is necessary to abate the violation described in the order:

(1) a person whose presence in the area is necessary in the judgment of the operator of the mine to abate the violation;

(2) a public official whose official duties require the official to enter the area;

(3) a legal or technical consultant or a representative of the employees of the mine who is a person qualified to make examinations or is accompanied by a qualified person and whose presence in the area is necessary, in the judgment of the operator of the mine, for the proper investigation of the conditions in the area.

History: En. 50-480.3 by Sec. 26, Ch. 267, L. 1974; R.C.M. 1947, 50-480.3; amd. Sec. 64, Ch. 613, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 1886, Ch. 56, L. 2009.