Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 3. Multiagency Service Placement Plan

Out-Of-State Placement Monitoring And Reporting

52-2-311. Out-of-state placement monitoring and reporting. (1) The department shall collect the following information regarding high-risk children with multiagency service needs:

(a) the number of children placed out of state;

(b) the reasons each child was placed out of state;

(c) the costs for each child placed out of state;

(d) the process used to avoid out-of-state placements; and

(e) the number of in-state providers participating in the pool.

(2) For children whose placement is funded in whole or in part by medicaid, the report must include information indicating other department programs with which the child is involved.

(3) On an ongoing basis, the department shall attempt to reduce out-of-state placements.

(4) The department shall report biannually to the children, families, health, and human services interim committee concerning the information it has collected under this section and the results of the efforts it has made to reduce out-of-state placements.

History: En. Sec. 2, Ch. 430, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 3, Ch. 377, L. 2011.