Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 4. Remedies

Disposition Of Abandoned Mobile Home

70-33-432. Disposition of abandoned mobile home. (1) If a tenancy terminates, if the landlord reasonably believes that the tenant has abandoned a mobile home occupying a mobile home lot, and if at least 5 days have elapsed since the occurrence of events upon which the landlord has formed the belief that the mobile home has been abandoned, the landlord may remove the mobile home from the premises or keep the mobile home stored on the premises.

(2) If the landlord does not keep the mobile home stored on the premises, the landlord shall store the mobile home in a place of safekeeping and in either case shall exercise reasonable care for the mobile home. The landlord may charge the mobile home owner reasonable removal and storage charges.

(3) Regardless of where the landlord stores the mobile home, the landlord shall:

(a) notify the local law enforcement office of the storage;

(b) make a reasonable effort to determine if the mobile home is secured or otherwise encumbered; and

(c) send a notice by certified mail to the last-known address of the mobile home owner and to any person or entity the landlord determines has an interest referred to in subsection (3)(b), stating that at a specified time, not less than 15 days after mailing the notice, the mobile home will be disposed of if the mobile home owner does not respond and remove the mobile home.

(4) If the mobile home owner, within 15 days after receipt of the notice provided for in subsection (3)(c), responds in writing to the landlord that the owner intends to remove the mobile home from where it is stored and does not do so within 20 days after delivery of the owner's response, the mobile home may be conclusively presumed to be abandoned. A landlord is entitled to payment of the removal and storage costs allowed under subsection (2) before the owner may remove the mobile home.

(5) The landlord may dispose of the mobile home after complying with subsection (3) by:

(a) selling the mobile home at a public or private sale; or

(b) destroying or otherwise disposing of the mobile home if the landlord reasonably believes that the value of the mobile home is so low that the cost of a sale would exceed the reasonable value of the mobile home. Disposal may include having the mobile home removed to an appropriate disposal site.

(6) A public or private sale authorized by this section must be conducted under the provisions of 30-9A-610 or the sheriff's sale provisions of Title 25, chapter 13, part 7.

(7) The landlord has a lien on the mobile home and the proceeds of a sale conducted pursuant to subsection (6) for the reasonable costs of removal, storage, notice, sale, or delinquent rent or damages owing on the premises. The sale proceeds are subject to any prior security interest of record. A writing or recording is not necessary to create the lien provided for in this section. In the case of a sheriff's sale, the sheriff shall conduct the sale upon receipt of an affidavit from the landlord stating facts sufficient to warrant a sale under this section. After satisfaction of the lien, the landlord shall remit to the mobile home owner the remaining proceeds, if any. If the owner cannot after due diligence be found, the remaining proceeds must be deposited in the general fund of the county in which the sale occurred and, if not claimed within 3 years, are forfeited to the county.

History: En. Sec. 49, Ch. 267, L. 2007.