Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 11. Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund

Authorization Of Agreement -- Content

75-5-1104. Authorization of agreement -- content. (1) The department may enter into a capitalization grant agreement or other agreement with the United States environmental protection agency to implement the program and may accept from that agency other grants and loans to carry out the program.

(2) In entering into the agreement, the director of the department may commit the state to:

(a) accept grant payments from the environmental protection agency in accordance with the schedule established by the administrator of that agency and deposit the payments in the revolving fund established in 75-5-1106;

(b) deposit in the revolving fund from state money an amount equal to at least 20% of the total amount of all capitalization grants made to the state as provided by 75-5-1106 on or before the date on which each quarterly federal grant payment is made to the state;

(c) provide financial assistance to municipalities and private persons in accordance with this part in an amount equal to 120% of the amount of each grant payment within a time period not to exceed 1 year after receipt of a grant;

(d) expend all funds in the revolving fund in an expeditious and timely manner;

(e) use all funds deposited in the revolving fund as a result of the capitalization grant to ensure progress, as determined by the governor of the state, toward compliance with enforceable deadlines, goals, and requirements of the federal act;

(f) expend each quarterly grant payment in accordance with the laws and procedures applicable to commitment or expenditure of revenues of the state;

(g) use accounting, audit, and fiscal procedures conforming to generally accepted government accounting standards;

(h) as a condition of making a loan or providing other financial assistance from the revolving fund, require that the municipality or private person will maintain project accounts in accordance with generally accepted government accounting standards;

(i) make annual reports to the environmental protection agency concerning the use of the revolving fund as required by the federal act; and

(j) any other covenants, commitments, and obligations necessary to ensure that the state's administration of the program is consistent with the provisions of this part.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 678, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 538, L. 1997.