Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 11. Water Pollution Control State Revolving Fund

Conditions On Loans

75-5-1113. Conditions on loans. (1) Upon approval of a project by the department, the department of natural resources and conservation may lend amounts on deposit in the revolving fund to a municipality or private person to pay part or all of the cost of a project or to buy or refinance an outstanding obligation of a municipality that was issued to finance a project. The loan is subject to the municipality or private person complying with the following conditions:

(a) meeting requirements of financial capability set by the department of natural resources and conservation to ensure sufficient revenue to operate and maintain the project for its useful life and to repay the loan, including the establishment and maintenance by the municipality of a reserve or revolving fund to secure the payment of principal of and interest on the loan to the extent permitted by the applicable law governing the municipality's obligation;

(b) agreeing to operate and maintain the project properly over its structural and material design life, which may not be less than the term of the loan;

(c) agreeing to maintain proper financial records in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards and agreeing that all records are subject to audit;

(d) meeting the requirements listed in the federal act for projects constructed with funds directly made available by federal capitalization grants;

(e) providing legal assurance that all necessary property titles, easements, and rights-of-way have been obtained to construct, operate, and maintain the project;

(f) submitting an engineering report evaluating the proposed project, including information demonstrating its cost-effectiveness and environmental information necessary for the department and the department of natural resources and conservation to fulfill their responsibilities under the Montana Environmental Policy Act and rules adopted to implement that act;

(g) complying with plan and specification requirements and other requirements established by the department; and

(h) providing for proper construction inspection and project management.

(2) Each loan, unless prepaid, is payable subject to the limitations of the federal act, with interest paid in annual or more frequent installments.

(3) (a) Subject to the limitations of the federal act, the interest rate on a loan must ensure that the interest payments on the loan and on other outstanding loans will be sufficient, if paid timely and in full, with other available funds in the revolving fund, including investment income, to enable the state to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds issued pursuant to 75-5-1121.

(b) The interest rate must be determined as of the date the loan is authorized by the department of natural resources and conservation.

(c) The rate may include any additional rate that the department of natural resources and conservation considers reasonable or necessary to provide a reserve for the repayment of the loans. The additional rate may be fixed or variable or may be calculated according to a formula, and it may differ from the rate established for any other loan. Once the reserve has been established at a level considered by the department to be reasonable and prudent for the loans outstanding, the department may use excess reserve payments to make grants to aid in the feasibility of projects.

(4) Each loan must be evidenced by a bond, note, or other evidence of indebtedness of the municipality or private person, in a form prescribed or approved by the department of natural resources and conservation, except that the bond, note, or other evidence must include provisions required by the federal act and must be consistent with the provisions of this part. The bond, note, or other evidence is not required to be identical for all loans. The department of natural resources and conservation may require that loans to private persons be further secured by a mortgage and other security interests in the project that is being financed or other forms of additional security as considered necessary, including personal guarantees and letters of credit.

(5) As a condition to making a loan, the department of natural resources and conservation, with the concurrence of the department, may impose a reasonable administrative fee that may be paid from the proceeds of the loan or other available funds of the municipality or private person. Administrative fees may be deposited:

(a) in a special administrative costs account that the department of natural resources and conservation may create for that purpose outside the revolving fund provided for in 75-5-1106; or

(b) in the administration account. Money deposited in the administration account established in 75-5-1106 must be used for the payment of administrative costs of the program. Money deposited in the special administration costs account must be used for the payment of administrative costs of the program unless not required for that purpose, in which case the money may be transferred to other funds and accounts in the program.

History: En. Sec. 10, Ch. 678, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 788, L. 1991; amd. Sec. 19, Ch. 553, L. 1995; amd. Sec. 267, Ch. 42, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 11, Ch. 538, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 421, L. 1999; amd. Sec. 11, Ch. 342, L. 2009; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 72, L. 2015.