Montana Code Annotated 2019



Part 1. Regulation by Board of Oil and Gas Conservation

Requirements For Oil And Gas Operations

82-11-123. (Temporary) Requirements for oil and gas operations. Subject to the administrative control of the department under 2-15-121, the board shall require:

(1) identification of ownership of oil or gas wells, producing properties, and tanks;

(2) the making and filing of acceptable well logs, including bottom-hole temperatures (in order to facilitate the discovery of potential geothermal energy sources), the making and filing of reports on well locations, and the filing of directional surveys, geological sample logs, mud logs, core descriptions, and ordinary core analysis, if made; however, logs of exploratory or wildcat wells need not be filed for a period of 6 months following completion of those wells;

(3) the drilling, casing, producing, and plugging of wells and class II injection wells in a manner that prevents the escape of oil or gas out of one stratum into another, the intrusion of water into oil or gas strata, blowouts, cave-ins, seepages, and fires and the pollution of fresh water supplies by oil, gas, salt, or brackish water;

(4) the restoration of surface lands to their previous grade and productive capability after a well is plugged or a seismographic shot hole has been utilized and necessary measures to prevent adverse hydrological effects from the well or hole, unless the surface owner agrees in writing, with the approval of the board or its representatives, to a different plan of restoration;

(5) the furnishing of a reasonable bond with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for performance of the duty to properly plug each dry or abandoned well. The bond may be forfeited in its entirety by the board for failure to perform the duty to properly plug each dry or abandoned well and may not be canceled or absolved if the well fails to produce oil or gas in commercial quantities, until:

(a) the board determines the well is properly plugged and abandoned as provided in the board's rules; or

(b) the requirements of 82-11-163 are met.

(6) proper gauging or other measuring of oil and gas produced and saved to determine the quantity and quality of oil and gas;

(7) that every person who produces, transports, or stores oil or gas or injects or disposes of water in this state shall make available within this state for a period of 5 years complete and accurate records of the quantities. The records must be available for examination by the board or its employees at all reasonable times. The person shall file with the board reports as it may prescribe with respect to quantities, transportations, and storages of the oil, gas, or water.

(8) the installation, use, and maintenance of monitoring equipment or methods in the operation of class II injection wells.

82-11-123. (Effective on occurrence of contingency) Requirements for oil and gas and carbon dioxide injection operations. (1) Subject to the administrative control of the department under 2-15-121, the board shall require:

(a) identification of ownership of carbon dioxide injection wells, carbon dioxide, geologic storage reservoirs, and oil or gas wells, producing properties, and tanks;

(b) the making and filing of acceptable well logs, including bottom-hole temperatures, in order to facilitate the discovery of potential geothermal energy sources, the making and filing of reports on well locations, and the filing of directional surveys, geological sample logs, mud logs, core descriptions, and ordinary core analysis, if made. However, logs of exploratory or wildcat wells need not be filed for a period of 6 months following completion of those wells.

(c) the drilling, casing, producing, and plugging of wells, carbon dioxide injection wells, and class II injection wells in a manner that prevents the escape of carbon dioxide, oil, or gas out of one stratum into another, the intrusion of water into carbon dioxide, oil, or gas strata, blowouts, cave-ins, seepages, and fires and the pollution of fresh water supplies by carbon dioxide, oil, gas, salt, or brackish water;

(d) the restoration of surface lands to their previous grade and productive capability after a well is plugged or a seismographic shot hole has been utilized and necessary measures to prevent adverse hydrological effects from the well or hole, unless the surface owner agrees in writing, with the approval of the board or its representatives, to a different plan of restoration;

(e) except as provided in subsection (1)(f), the furnishing of a reasonable bond with good and sufficient surety, conditioned for performance of the duty to properly plug each dry or abandoned well. The bond may be forfeited in its entirety by the board for failure to perform the duty to properly plug each dry or abandoned well and may not be canceled or absolved if the well fails to produce oil or gas in commercial quantities, until:

(i) the board determines the well is properly plugged and abandoned as provided in the board's rules; or

(ii) the requirements of 82-11-163 are met.

(f) the furnishing of reasonable bond or other surety for a carbon dioxide injection well, geologic storage reservoir, and the carbon dioxide stored in the reservoir with good and sufficient surety for performance of the duty to operate and manage a carbon dioxide injection well, geologic storage reservoir, and the carbon dioxide stored in the reservoir and to properly plug and reclaim each carbon dioxide injection well. The bond or other surety may be forfeited in its entirety by the board for failure to perform the duty to properly manage and operate a well, reservoir, and stored carbon dioxide or to plug a well. Except as provided in 82-11-183(8), the bond or other surety may not be canceled or absolved.

(g) proper gauging or other measuring of oil and gas produced and saved to determine the quantity and quality of oil and gas;

(h) that every person who produces, transports, or stores oil or gas or injects or disposes of water or carbon dioxide in this state shall make available within this state for a period of 5 years complete and accurate records of the quantities. The records must be available for examination by the board or its employees at all reasonable times. The person shall file with the board reports as it may prescribe with respect to quantities, transportations, and storages of the oil, gas, carbon dioxide, or water.

(i) the installation, use, and maintenance of monitoring equipment or methods in the operation of carbon dioxide injection wells and class II injection wells.

(2) In addition to the requirements of subsection (1), the geologic carbon dioxide injection well permitting system must include:

(a) recordkeeping and reporting requirements sufficient to measure the effectiveness of carbon dioxide injection wells and geologic storage reservoirs;

(b) characterization of the injection zone and aquifers above and below the injection zone that may be affected, including applicable pressure and fluid chemistry data to describe the projected effects of injection activities;

(c) verification and monitoring at geologic storage reservoirs;

(d) mitigation of leaks, including the ability to stop the leaking of carbon dioxide and to address impacts of leaks;

(e) adequate baseline monitoring of drinking water wells within 1 mile of the perimeter of the geologic storage reservoir; and

(f) at a minimum, requirements pursuant to applicable federal regulatory standards established by:

(i) the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, Public Law 110-140, and subsequent acts;

(ii) the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300f, et seq.; and

(iii) the underground injection control program, 40 CFR, parts 144 through 147.

History: En. Sec. 4, Ch. 238, L. 1953; amd. Sec. 16, Ch. 93, L. 1969; amd. Sec. 56, Ch. 253, L. 1974; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 260, L. 1974; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 222, L. 1975; R.C.M. 1947, 60-127(part); amd. Sec. 4, Ch. 503, L. 1987; amd. Sec. 78, Ch. 83, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 530, L. 1989; amd. Sec. 1, Ch. 376, L. 1993; amd. Sec. 6, Ch. 34, L. 1997; amd. Sec. 17, Ch. 474, L. 2009.