Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 1. Accreditation and Curriculum

Administration Of United States Civics Test

20-7-119. Administration of United States civics test. (1) Each public high school in the state is encouraged to administer to each student, except as provided in subsection (2), at least once during a student's high school career, a United States civics test administered by the United States citizenship and immigration services to persons seeking to be naturalized citizens.

(2) A public high school may provide each student with the opportunity to take the test as many times as necessary for the student to pass the test. A student who has an individualized education program under which the civics test is determined to be an inappropriate requirement for the student may not be required to take the civics test.

(3) A student passes the civics test if the student correctly answers at least 70% of the questions.

(4) The superintendent of public instruction is encouraged to annually publish a list of high schools in the state whose seniors receiving a regular diploma, except for those exempted from taking the test under subsection (2), all pass the United States civics test under subsection (1) and recognize these schools as United States civics all-star schools for that school year.

History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 303, L. 2017.