Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 7. Public Library Districts

Consolidation Of Existing Public Libraries And Public Library Districts

22-1-705. Consolidation of existing public libraries and public library districts. (1) (a) If all or part of the territory served by an existing public library, as defined in 22-1-326, is included within the boundaries of a public library district, the governing body of each county with territory included in the district shall notify the governing body of the city or county that established the public library that the territory served by the library is included in the district boundaries. The governing body of the city or county that established the public library shall hold a public hearing on the question of whether the territory served by the library should be included in the district. If the governing body determines that the territory served by the public library should be consolidated into the district, it shall adopt a resolution, following the public hearing, to that effect. If the governing body of the city or county that established the public library determines that the territory served by the library should not be included in the district, it shall adopt a resolution to that effect and the boundaries of the district must be adjusted to exclude the territory served by the public library.

(b) Any existing bonded indebtedness against the territory served by the public library or the library district remains the indebtedness of the original territory and must be paid by levies on the original territory.

(2) The territory of an existing public library district may be consolidated into a contiguous district upon the adoption of a resolution, following a public hearing, by the board of trustees of each district. The governing board of the county containing the largest percentage of territory in the district shall appoint the board of trustees for the consolidated district. The appointed trustees shall serve until their successors are elected, in accordance with the provisions of 22-1-706.

History: En. Sec. 5, Ch. 92, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 5, Ch. 203, L. 2005.