Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 9. Operation and Regulation

Limitations On Loans -- Rulemaking

32-2-925. Limitations on loans -- rulemaking. (1) The total loans or extensions of credit to a person, partnership, or corporation by a mutual association, including loans to a partnership and to the members of the partnership, may not exceed 15% of the mutual association's capital, plus an additional 10% of the mutual association's capital, if the amount that exceeds the mutual association's 15% general limit is fully secured by readily marketable collateral, as defined in 12 C.F.R. 32.2(v). To qualify for the additional 10% limit, the mutual association must perfect a security interest in the collateral under applicable law and the collateral must have a current market value at all times of at least 100% of the amount of the loan or extension of credit that exceeds the mutual association's 15% general limit.

(2) To the extent specified in regulations of the office of the comptroller of the currency, a mutual association may invest in, sell, or otherwise deal in the following loans and other investments without percentage of assets limitation:

(a) account loans -- loans on the security of its savings accounts and loans specifically related to transaction accounts;

(b) residential real property loans -- loans on the security of liens on residential real property;

(c) United States government securities -- investments in obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal interest by, the United States;

(d) federal home loan bank and federal national mortgage -- investments in the stock or bonds of a federal home loan bank or in the stock of the federal national mortgage association;

(e) federal home loan mortgage corporation instruments -- investments in mortgages, obligations, or other securities that are or have been sold by the federal home loan mortgage corporation pursuant to section 305 or 306 of the federal home loan mortgage corporation act; and

(f) other government securities -- investments in obligations, participations, securities, or other instruments issued by or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the federal national mortgage association, the student loan marketing association, the government national mortgage association, or any agency of the United States. A savings association may issue and sell securities that are guaranteed pursuant to section 306(g) of the National Housing Act.

(3) The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this section.

History: En. Sec. 66, Ch. 431, L. 2021.