Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 3. Operation

Verification Of Statement -- Procedure For Discrepancies

32-6-302. Verification of statement -- procedure for discrepancies. (1) If, upon receipt of a periodic statement of account, a customer of a financial institution believes the statement contains an error with respect to an electronic funds transfer, the customer shall notify the institution within 60 days after the day the institution delivered the statement. In this notification, the customer must be identified and shall set forth the foundation of the customer's belief regarding the error.

(2) Within 10 days after a customer has notified a financial institution of a possible error under subsection (1), the institution shall either:

(a) correct the account in question, giving the customer a description of the correction and if the correction is not in the exact amount of the alleged error, the description must explain the difference; or

(b) after investigating the matter, give the customer an explanation of the reasons the institution believes the statement to be correct. If requested in writing by the customer, a written explanation, documented by the institution's record of the transaction in question, must be furnished to the customer.

(3) A financial institution receiving notice under subsection (1) may not close the account concerning which the dispute exists or restrict transactions in the account affecting the portion not in dispute until it complies with subsection (2). A financial institution that has once complied with subsection (2) with respect to an alleged error is not required to respond under subsection (2) to repeated allegations of the same error.

History: En. 5-1712 by Sec. 12, Ch. 503, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 5-1712; amd. Sec. 1055, Ch. 56, L. 2009.