Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 4. Investigations and Penalties

Removal And Suspension Orders For Certain Acts

32-11-405. Removal and suspension orders for certain acts. (1) The department may issue an order removing a subject person of a licensee from office with the licensee and prohibiting the subject person from further participation in any manner in the conduct of the business of the licensee if the department determines after notice and an opportunity for a hearing that:

(a) the person has violated this chapter or another applicable law, has engaged in an unsafe or unsound act with respect to the business of the licensee, or has engaged in an act that constitutes a breach of the person's fiduciary duty;

(b) the act, violation, or breach of fiduciary duty has caused or is likely to cause substantial financial loss or other damage to the licensee or has seriously prejudiced or is likely to seriously prejudice the interest of the licensee or the person has received financial gain by reason of the act, violation, or breach of fiduciary duty; and

(c) the act, violation, or breach of fiduciary duty involves dishonesty on the part of the person, demonstrates the person's gross negligence with respect to the business of the licensee, or demonstrates the person's willful disregard for the safety and soundness of the licensee.

(2) The department may issue an order removing a subject person of the licensee from office with the licensee and prohibiting the subject person from further participation in any manner in the conduct of the business of the licensee except with the prior consent of the department if, after notice and a hearing, the department determines that, by engaging or participating in an act with respect to a financial or other business institution that resulted in substantial financial loss or other damage, the subject person of a licensee demonstrated:

(a) dishonesty or a willful or continuing disregard for the safety and soundness of the financial or other business institution; and

(b) unfitness to continue as a subject person of the licensee or to participate in conducting the business of the licensee.

(3) The department may immediately issue an order suspending a subject person of a licensee from the person's office with the licensee and prohibiting the subject person from further participation in any manner in the conduct of the business of the licensee except with the consent of the department if the department determines that:

(a) the factors in subsection (1) or (2) are true with respect to the person; and

(b) an immediate order is necessary to protect the interests of the licensee or the public.

(4) In this section, when used with respect to a licensee, "office" means the position of director, officer, or employee of the licensee or of an affiliate or subsidiary of the licensee.

History: En. Sec. 44, Ch. 411, L. 2007.