Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 2. Network Adequacy

Selection Of Providers -- Professional Credentials Standards

33-36-203. Selection of providers -- professional credentials standards. (1) A health carrier shall adopt standards for selecting participating providers who are primary care professionals and for each health care professional specialty within the health carrier's network. The health carrier shall use the standards to select health care professionals, the health carrier's intermediaries, and any provider network with which the health carrier contracts. A health carrier may not adopt selection criteria that allow the health carrier to:

(a) avoid high-risk populations by excluding a provider because the provider is located in a geographic area that contains populations or providers presenting a risk of higher than average claims, losses, or use of health care services; or

(b) exclude a provider because the provider treats or specializes in treating populations presenting a risk of higher than average claims, losses, or use of health care services.

(2) Subsection (1) does not prohibit a health carrier from declining to select a provider who fails to meet the other legitimate selection criteria of the health carrier adopted in compliance with this part and the rules implementing this part.

(3) This part does not require a health carrier, its intermediary, or a provider network with which the health carrier or its intermediary contract to employ specific providers or types of providers who may meet their selection criteria or to contract with or retain more providers or types of providers than are necessary to maintain an adequate network.

(4) A health carrier may use criteria established in accordance with the provisions of this section to select health care professionals allowed to participate in the health carrier's managed care plan. A health carrier shall make its selection standards for participating providers available for review by the department and by each health care professional who is subject to the selection standards.

History: En. Sec. 15, Ch. 413, L. 1997.