Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 3. Regional Water and Wastewater Authority Act

Collection Of Revenue And Enforcement Of Covenants -- Default -- Suit To Compel Performance -- Appointment And Powers Of Receiver

75-6-324. Collection of revenue and enforcement of covenants -- default -- suit to compel performance -- appointment and powers of receiver. The governing body of an authority may insert enforceable provisions in a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds relating to the collection, custody, and application of revenue of the authority from the operation of the water supply, wastewater transportation, or treatment system under its control and relating to the enforcement of the covenants and undertakings of the authority. If there is a default in the sinking fund provisions provided for in 75-6-323 or in the payment of the principal or interest on any of the bonds or if the authority or its governing body or any of its officers, agents, or employees fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this part or default in any covenant or agreement made with respect to the issuance of the bonds or offered as security for the bonds, then any holder or holders of the bonds and any trustee under the trust indenture, if there is one, has the right by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceeding instituted in the district court in any of the counties in which the authority operates or in any other court of competent jurisdiction to enforce and compel performance of all duties required by this part or undertaken by the authority in connection with the issuance of the bonds. Upon application by any holder or holders of the bonds or the trustee of the trust indenture, the court shall, upon proof of the defaults, appoint a receiver for the affairs of the authority and its property. The receiver shall directly, or through its agents and attorneys, enter and take possession of the affairs of the authority. The receiver may hold, use, operate, manage, and control the authority and, in the name of the authority, exercise all of the rights and powers of the authority as considered expedient. The receiver may collect and receive all revenue and apply the revenue in the manner that the court shall direct. Whenever the default causing the appointment of the receiver has been cleared and fully discharged and all other defaults have been cured, the court, after notice and hearing as it considers reasonable and proper, may direct the receiver to surrender possession of the affairs of the authority to its governing body. The receiver may not sell, assign, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of any assets of the authority except as provided in this section.

History: En. Sec. 14, Ch. 498, L. 1999.