Montana Code Annotated 2021



Part 1. General Provisions

Conservation District Account

76-15-106. (Temporary) Conservation district account. (1) There is a conservation district account in the state special revenue fund established by 17-2-102 to be administered by the department of natural resources and conservation for providing funding for conservation districts.

(2) On July 1 of each fiscal year, the state treasurer shall transfer the amount necessary, when combined with available and unencumbered fund balance and anticipated revenue for the fiscal year, to fund the amount appropriated by the legislature in the general appropriations act from the state general fund to the conservation district special revenue account for the sole purpose of funding the appropriations authorized by the legislature from the account. Prior to the closing of the fiscal year, the department shall reconcile anticipated revenue with actual revenue received. If revenue is received above the anticipated amount, the transfer in the following fiscal year shall adjust for the unanticipated amount. If revenue is received below the anticipated amount, the state treasurer shall transfer the amount of the revenue shortfall from the general fund to the conservation district special revenue account.(Terminates June 30, 2023--sec. 5, Ch. 138, L. 2021.)

76-15-106. (Effective July 1, 2023) Conservation district account. There is a conservation district account in the state special revenue fund established by 17-2-102 to be administered by the department of natural resources and conservation for providing funding for conservation districts.

History: En. Sec. 6, Ch. 351, L. 2017; amd. Sec. 2, Ch. 138, L. 2021.