News Archives for 2020

Chair Redfield and Vice Chair Barrett cancelled the March 19-20 Revenue Interim Committee and HJ 35 Committee meetings in light of the nationwide response to COVID-19.

The next meetings are still tentatively scheduled for May 12-13. The chair and vice chair will monitor the committee's workload and issues of concern raised by members to determine whether any meeting days ...

The Transportation Interim Committee (TIC) postponed its March 23 meeting indefinitely due to public health concerns.

Committee members may attempt to reschedule the meeting when the public health situation in the state changes. TIC staff notices all meetings 10-14 days prior to each meeting date.

The chairman does not make this decision lightly, but in ...

Environmental Qaulity Council Chairman Jim Keane and Vice Chair Mike Lang today cancelled the March 25-26 EQC meeting in light of the nationwide response to COVID-19.

The next EQC meeting is still tentatively scheduled for May 27-28. The chair and vice chair will monitor the council's workload and issues of concern raised by members to determine whether any ...

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