News Archives for September 2019

The Children, Families, Health, and Human Services Interim Committee began its study of the child protective services system in September by hearing a comprehensive presentation about how the state determines whether a child is at risk for abuse or neglect and should be removed from home.

Ike Jessee of the Department of Public Health and ...

The Energy and Telecommunication Interim Committee (ETIC) meets Sept. 23 to continue its work for the 2019-20 interim. The meeting begins at 9 a.m., in room 172 of the state Capitol.

During the meeting in Helena, the committee will continue its work examining Montana’s transmission infrastructure with an overview of the recently completed Montana ...

The Environmental Quality Council heads to Libby on September 25 and 26 to learn first-hand about chronic wasting disease (CWD), asbestos remediation, selenium concentrations in Lake Koocanusa, and wilderness study areas.

The EQC kicks off its visit at 8:15 a.m. on September 25 with tours of the Libby CWD Management Zone and Riverfront ...

The Legislative News.