Montana lagging behind national average

Do you know how your county is doing in filling out the Census forms?  See the map at the bottom of this website to see how you are doing:

Montana is lagging behind the national average and barely over the 50% mark.  The higher the response rate means a higher possibility that Montana could get a second congressional seat.   And federal funding for many programs for the next decade depends on the census count.

The Update Leave operation of the Census 2020 is just beginning.  This means that census workers will confirm or update a household’s physical location address and leave a 2020 Census packet to residences that haven't yet responded.  The packets include reminders and forms for people to fill out their census.  This occurs in areas where the majority of households do not receive mail at their home - a lot of rural Montana. If you are concerned whether they are official or not, you can call 1-800-852-6159 to find out if census workers are in your area. 

Please fill out the census form for your residence and encourage your family, friends, and constituents to fill out their form and Be Counted!

The Legislative News.