The Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission will receive an update on Montana's Census efforts during an August 4 video conference meeting.

In addition, four political scientists and public policy professors from Montana colleges will participate in a roundtable discussion about redistricting with the commissioners.

An agenda and other materials are available on the commission's website. Materials include instructions on how members of the public can offer comment during the meeting.

Written public comments are also accepted and encouraged. Written comments may be e-mailed to, submitted using the commission's online comment form, or mailed to Districting and Apportionment Commission, PO Box 201706, Helena, MT, 59620.

Any oral or written public comment provided to the commission is a public record that is recorded, archived, and available on the web.

The meeting will be streamed live at

For more information about the meeting or the commission, please visit the commission's website or contact its staff.

Commission website:
Commission staff: Joe Kolman or Rachel Weiss, 406-444-3064,

The Legislative News.