Housing sites needed!

Legisltors are in the process of looking for housing during the 2021 Legislative session.  The 67th regular session of the Montana Legislature convenes on January 4, 2021, and traditionally runs through April.

During legislative sessions, which take place every odd-numbered year, almost 150 legislators become short-term residents of Helena in need of housing from January through April. The Legislative Services Division (LSD) is compiling a database of rental properties available during the session. Legislators are interested in properties anywhere within the Helena area. Suitable rentals include rooms, houses, apartments, condominiums, mobile homes, motels, and bed and breakfast inns and places that can offer long-term stays.

While LSD will provide the information to lawmakers who request it, we will not play a role in transactions between legislators and property owners.

A form to specify the accommodations that you are offering is available on the Legislative Branch website at https://leg.mt.gov/session/legislative-housing/. Property owners may submit the form Submit the Rental Form electronically or download, print, complete, and mail it to:  c/o Housing Database, Legislative Services Division, PO Box 201706, Helena, MT 59620-1706.

If you have questions or would like more information, contact:

Laura Sherley
Legislative Services Division


The Legislative News.