At their Nov. 7 meeting members of the Economic Affairs Interim Committee of the legislature decided to continue objections on two sets of rules, one related to dentures over implants and another related to a new point system for violations of alcohol laws.

For both sets of rules the relevant department officials said they planned to withdraw the rule proposals to which the committee objected. The committee, which decided to meet again on Jan. 15, also could withdraw its objections at that time if the departments cancel the proposed rules.

Committee members heard from both dentists and denturists regarding the rule that limited denturists' scope of practice for certain types of dentures. On the alcohol penalty rule, the director of the Department of Revenue, Gene Walborn, explained the proposed use of a point system for penalties but said the changes would not be instituted as proposed. For more information on either set of rules, visit the committee website or listen to the archived meeting via the streaming schedule link from the legislative home page. Once posted, the Minutes Log may be used to pinpoint discussion times. Questions also may be sent to committee staff.

In other business, the committee decided to meet during the proposed legislative week in January to address incentives related to broadband expansion in Montana. The committee will review reintroduction in 2021 of Senate Bill 239 from the 2019 session, which passed both chambers but was vetoed.

Committee members are: Representatives Sharon Stewart Peregoy, presiding officer, (D-Crow Agency), Vince Ricci, vice presiding officer, (R-Laurel), Derek Harvey (D-Butte), Joshua Kassmier (R-Fort Benton), Mark Noland (R-Bigfork), Katie Sullivan (D-Missoula), and Senators Jason Ellsworth (R-Hamilton), Nate McConnell (D-Missoula), Frank Smith (D-Poplar), and Gordy Vance (R-Bozeman).

Committee website:
Legislative website for streaming schedule:
Committee staff: Pat Murdo at 406-444-3594 or  

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The Legislative News.