Montana State Legislature
2011-2012 State Administration and Veteran's Affairs
The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The SAVA: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Administration, the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, and entities attached to the named departments and offices for administrative purposes; (2) examines policy issues that include: procurement; information technology; state employee pay and benefits; tort claims; elections; campaign financing and practices; the National Guard and armories; veterans; and disaster and emergency services; and public employee retirement systems; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature on topics within the Committee's purview. The SAVA's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules of assigned executive branch agencies (Administration; Military Affairs; SOS; Political Practices).
The webpage is down for maintenance.
- Agenda - Minutes
- Staff report: Summary of FY 2012 Actuarial Valuations
- Staff report: Where We've Been
- Staff report: Alternatives for Actuarially Funding the Retirement Systems
- Staff report: Inventory of Retirement Proposals as of Oct. 31, 2012
- Staff report: Changes in Age and Service Requirement in State Retirement Plans, 2009-2011 by NCSL
- Staff report: State Cash Balance, Defined Contribution and Hybrid Retirement Plans by NCSL
- Staff reports on retirement proposals from stakeholders & legislators
- Association of Montana Retired Public Employees (AMRPE)
- Montana Police Protective Association (MPPA)
- Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association (MSPOA)
- Assoc. of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)
- Senator Art Wittich
- Senator Dave Lewis
- Montana Association of Counties (MACo)
- Senator Ron Arthun
- FY 2012 Actuarial Valuations
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)
- Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS-DB)
- Sheriffs' Retirement System (SRS)
- Game Wardens' and Peace Officers' (GWPORS)
- Highway Patrol Officers' (HPORS)
- Firefighters' Unified (FURS)
- Municipal Police Officers' (MPORS)
- Judges' Retirement System (JRS)
- Volunteer Firefighters (VFCA)
- Agenda - Minutes
- Staff Research Memo on Cash Balance Plans
- Committee Bills, see Legislation tab below
- Revised Decision Brief on Long-term Funding Plan
- Aug 8 - Agenda - Addendum - Minutes
- Aug 9 - Agenda - Minutes
- HB 142 Staff Report
- Montana Veterans' Homes Legislative Audit Summary
- Montana Veterans' Affairs Division: Proposed Change to Report Statute
- Dept. of Administration response on State Employee Health Clinic
- Retirement proposals from stakeholders & legislators
- Association of Montana Retired Public Employees (AMRPE)
- Montana Police Protective Association (MPPA)
- Montana Sheriffs' and Peace Officers' Association (MSPOA)
- Assoc. of Public Safety Communications Officials (APCO)
- Senator Dave Lewis
- Senator Art Wittich
- Montana Association of Counties (MACo)
- Agenda - - Minutes
Materials Handed Out During The Meeting
- Governor's pension proposal (same as April 19, 2012 - slides)
- Cavanaugh: Cost Studies for TRS
- Cavanaugh: Analysis of Defined Contribution Plans for TRS
- Cheiron: Special Projections of PERS Funding Status
- Felix Salmon for Reuters: "Why state's shouldn't adopt defined contribution plans"
- Erik Kain for Forbes: "Why defined benefit plans are safer investments for state government workers"
- National Institute on Retirement Security: "The unintended consequences of pension freezes"
- Englund: Legal Memo on Contract Clause Issues for Eric Feaver
Day 1 - June 11, 2012
- State Employee Health Center
- HB 142 - Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- HB 142 Background Brief - Draft
- Dept. of Admin - Employee Incentive Program Report
- Dept. of Admin - Information Technology Report
- Board of Veteran's Affairs - Biennial Report
- Legislative proposals by the Dept. of Military Affairs
- Litigation Update on Western Traditions Partnership II lawsuit
- Commissioner of Political Practices Legislative Proposals
- Rule review memo concerning Department of Administration rule issue
- Broadband pay plan update
- Committee legislation
Day 2 - June 12, 2012 - Joint Meeting With LFC
- TRS actuary presentation - ppt
- TRS legislative concepts
- MPERA legislative concepts
- Joint LFD/SAVA Pension Report
- Appendix A - Legal Memo - Pension Case Law Update
- Appendix B - Policy Principles and Long-Term Planning Alternatives
- Agenda
- Briefing on campaign advertising laws in other states
- Briefing on Ethics Offices
- Litigation Report: Western Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Attorney General and Lair v. Murry
Retirement System Materials
- Governor's Pension Proposal slides
- Briefing on Ideas for Addressing Unfunded Actuarial Liabilities
- PERB FY2011 Annual Report
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems - as adopted January 27, 2012
HB 142 Materials
- Updated HB 142 Matrix
- Electronic Government Advisory Council presentation
CANCELED: The purpose of the call is to discuss a request from Senate President Jim Peterson at the January 27 SAVA meeting regarding the handling of the former Commissioner of Political Practices' computer. The request was for the committee to ask the Department of Administration and the Governor's office not to delete any items from the computer.
January 27, 2012
- Agenda (Updated 1/23/12)
- Minutes (Draft)
- Legal Memorandum: Statutory Weaknesses in Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
Materials For Study Of Anonymous Election Material
- Briefing on Laws Related to Anonymous Election Material
- Senate Bill No. 397 (2011)
- House Bill No. 398 (2009)
Materials For Study Of Combining Elections
- Briefing on Laws Related to Election Dates
- House Bill No. 242 (2011)
Retirement System Materials
- Briefing on Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems - as adopted by 2009-2010 SAVA
- Nebraska General Principles of Sound Retirement Planning
- Montana's Public Employees' Retirement Plans: Summary Tables ("green sheets")
- Memo on Constitutionality of Amending GABA
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Constitutionality of Potential Legislation Modifying GABA
- Addendum to August 14, 2009, Memo Regarding GABA
- 1998 Memo to CPERS (referenced in August 14, 2009 memo)
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Legislative Finance Committee Pension Study Materials
- TRS FY2011 Annual Report
Informational Items
- Broadband Pay in Montana's Executive Branch -- Paula Stoll, State Human Resources Division
- Performance Audit: Improving Montana's Office Supply Acquisition Processes
- Financial Compliance Audit: Department of Military Affairs
- Performance Audit: Contract Management - Department of Military Affairs
HB 142 Materials
- Updated HB 142 matrix
- Agenda
- Minutes (Approved w/Exhibits)
Administrative Materials
- Updated Draft Work Plan - adopted October 20, 2011
- Study Plans Overview
Retirement System Materials
- SAVA Pension Primer slides
- Memo to members about statutory duties related to state's public employee retirement systems
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems (as adopted by 2009-2010 SAVA)
- State Retirement Legislation in 2010 and 2011 -- Ron Snell, National Conference of State Legislatures (powerpoint)
- Retirement Litigation Report
- 2011 Actuarial Valuations
- Public Employees' Retirement System - Defined Benefit (PERS-DB)
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)
- Game Wardens' and Peace Officers' Retirement System (GWPORS)
- Firefighters' Unified Retirement System (FURS)
- Highway Patrol Officers' Retirement System (HPORS)
- Judges' Retirement System (JRS)
- Municipal Police Officers' Retirement System (MPORS)
- Sheriffs' Retirement System (SRS)
- Volunteer Firefighters' Compensation Act (VCFA)
HB 142 Materials
- HB 142 worksheet
- State Employee Group Benefits Advisory Council slides
- State Employee Group Benefits Advisory Council contacts
- Employee Group Benefits Plan Financial Report - quarter ending June 30, 2011
July 5, 2011 conference call, 8:30 a.m., Room 137, State Capitol: The purpose of the call is to consider whether to send SAVA representative(s) to the National Conference of State Legislatures' Legislative Summit. Approved Minutes
July 6, 2011 conference call, 8:30 a.m., Room 137, State Capitol: The purpose of the call is to decide whether to provide committee resources to send members to the National Conference of State Legislatures' Legislative Summit. Approved Minutes
June 24, 2011
- Agenda
- Approved Minutes with exhibits
Administrative Materials
- Draft Work Plan, Addendum: Member TopicsSave
- Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committees
Administrative Materials
- Draft Work Plan, Addendum: Member Topics - June 24, 2011
- Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines for Interim Committees - June 24, 2011
- Updated Draft Work Plan - adopted Oct. 20, 2011
- Study Plans Overview - Oct. 20, 2011
Public Employee Pension Systems
Legal Memorandums
- Pension Case Law Update - June 12, 2012
- Constitutionality of Amending GABA - Jan. 27, 2012
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Constitutionality of Potential Legislation Modifying GABA
- Addendum to August 14, 2009, Memo Regarding GABA
- 1998 Memo to CPERS (referenced in August 14, 2009 memo)
- Previous legal memos for background:
- Retirement Litigation Report - Oct. 20, 2011
Special Report
- Examination of Pension Challenges - June 12, 2012
Research And Analysis
- Updated Summary Tables: "Green Sheets" - December 2012
- Alternatives for Addressing Unfunded Liabilities - November 2012
- Funding Comparison of 30-year and 40-year Amortization - November 2012
- Where We've Been: Review of Pension Legislation 2005-2011
- A Legislator's Guide to Montana's Public Retirement Systems, 2008
- SAVA Pension Primer slides - Oct. 20, 2011
- Principles and Guidelines for Public Retirement Systems - as adopted January 27, 2012
- Staff Research Memo on Cash Balance Plans - Sept. 11, 2012
- Revised Decision Brief on Long-term Funding Plan - Sept. 11, 2012
- The Million Dollar Question: Redesigning the State's Public Employee Retirement Systems and Other Interim Activities, 2010
Legislative Finance Committee Pension Study Materials - January 2012
- Part I: Pension Funding (slides)
- Pensions: Employer Contributions & Implied Unfunded Liability (slides)
- Pensions: A State & Local Challenge
- Part II: Pension Funding (slides)
- Financial Analysis of Pensions: A State & Local Challenge Part II
HB 142 - Review of Statutory Advisory Councils and Reports
- HB 142 worksheet - Oct. 20, 2011
- Updated HB 142 matrix - Jan. 27, 2012
- Updated HB 142 Matrix - April 19,2012
- HB 142 Background Brief - Draft - July 26, 2012
- Revised HB 142 Background Brief - Committee's Final Actions - Aug. 10, 2012
Election Laws and Political Practices
Campaigns And Ethics
- Legal Memorandum: Statutory Weaknesses in Office of Commissioner of Political Practices - Jan. 27, 2012
- Briefing on campaign advertising laws in other states - April 19, 2012
- Briefing on Ethics Offices - April 19, 2012
- Litigation Report: Western Tradition Partnership, Inc. v. Attorney General and Lair v. Murry - April 19, 2012
- Litigation Update on Western Traditions Partnership II lawsuit - June 11, 2012
Materials For Study Of Anonymous Election Material
- Briefing on Laws Related to Anonymous Election Material - Jan. 27, 2012
- Senate Bill No. 397 (2011)
- House Bill No. 398 (2009)
Materials For Study Of Combining Elections
- Briefing on Laws Related to Election Dates - Jan. 27, 2012
- House Bill No. 242 (2011)
Committee Bills LC # Working Draft # Short Title Sponsor Latest Action Drafter LC0359 LCsa01 Specify how ethics violations within office of commissioner of political practices are to be handled Approved Scurr LC0189 LCsa02 Resolution for interim study of structure and duties of the office of commissioner of political practices Blyton Approved Scurr LC0358 LCsa03 Make state employee health plan expenditures subject to biennial appropriation Approved Scurr LC0335 LCsa04 Clarify Montana Administrative Procedures Act concerning rules to be adopted by reference Arthun Approved Everts LC0334 LCsa05 Revise certain statutory reports required from agencies assigned to the State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee Van Dyke Approved
Scurr Revise TRS to address unfunded liabilities - Summary Revised for Nov. 16 Scurr LCsa07 Revise PERS to address unfunded liabilities - Summary Revised for Nov. 16 Scurr LCsa08 Revise SRS, GWPORS, and HPORS to address unfunded liabilities (on hold) on hold Scurr