Montana State Legislature

2011-2012 State Administration and Veteran's Affairs

The State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee (SAVA) is a joint bipartisan committee of the legislature that meets between legislative sessions. The SAVA: (1) monitors the activities of the Department of Administration, the Department of Military Affairs, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Commissioner of Political Practices, and entities attached to the named departments and offices for administrative purposes; (2) examines policy issues that include: procurement; information technology; state employee pay and benefits; tort claims; elections; campaign financing and practices; the National Guard and armories; veterans; and disaster and emergency services; and public employee retirement systems; and (3) makes recommendations to the full legislature on topics within the Committee's purview. The SAVA's responsibilities include reviewing the administrative rules of assigned executive branch agencies (Administration; Military Affairs; SOS; Political Practices).

The webpage is down for maintenance.

Day 1 - June 11, 2012

Day 2 - June 12, 2012 - Joint Meeting With LFC


July 5, 2011 conference call, 8:30 a.m., Room 137, State Capitol: The purpose of the call is to consider whether to send SAVA representative(s) to the National Conference of State Legislatures' Legislative Summit. Approved Minutes

July 6, 2011 conference call, 8:30 a.m., Room 137, State Capitol: The purpose of the call is to decide whether to provide committee resources to send members to the National Conference of State Legislatures' Legislative Summit. Approved Minutes

June 24, 2011


Administrative Materials

    • Committee Bills
      LC # Working Draft # Short Title Sponsor Latest Action Drafter
      LC0359 LCsa01 Specify how ethics violations within office of commissioner of political practices are to be handled   Approved Scurr
      LC0189 LCsa02 Resolution for interim study of structure and duties of the office of commissioner of political practices Blyton Approved Scurr
      LC0358 LCsa03 Make state employee health plan expenditures subject to biennial appropriation   Approved Scurr
      LC0335 LCsa04 Clarify Montana Administrative Procedures Act concerning rules to be adopted by reference Arthun Approved Everts
      LC0334 LCsa05 Revise certain statutory reports required from agencies assigned to the State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee Van Dyke




      Revise TRS to address unfunded liabilities - Summary   Revised for Nov. 16 Scurr
        LCsa07 Revise PERS to address unfunded liabilities - Summary   Revised for Nov. 16 Scurr
        LCsa08 Revise SRS, GWPORS, and HPORS to address unfunded liabilities (on hold)   on hold Scurr
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