Montana State Legislature

Transition Review Committee

House Bill 29 established the Transition Review Commission to monitor the development of community-based services for individuals who have been or are at risk of being involuntarily committed to the Montana state hospital and who have a primary diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, other forms of dementia, or traumatic brain injury.

This webpage is the official repository of commission information, including presentation aids, documents, meeting minutes, and exhibits.

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Meeting information

The commission meets quarterly. Commission meetings are open to the public.
All meetings are streamed and archived under the "Watch & Listen" tab of the site.


July 15, 2024
8:30 a.m.
Capitol Room 102 & Zoom 
Helena, MT

JULY 15, 2024

Draft  Agenda (Updated 7/15/2024)
Meeting Minutes
Audio / Video

Review of Draft Annual Report

Statutory Analysis of HB 29

DPHHS Update and Report

Long Term Care Facilities Update

Traumatic Brain Injury Update

Quality Care and Transitions

Behavioral Health Solutions

Work Session


September 13, 2024
December 13, 2024
June 13, 2025


Committee members are appointed in accordance with HB 29 section 6, subsection (2).

  • Rep. Jennifer Carlson (chair)
  • Sen. Christopher Pope (vice chair)
  • Sen. Dennis Lenz
  • Rep. Mary Caferro
  • Heather O’Hara – Vice President, Montana Hospital Association (representative of a statewide association whose primary purpose is representing skilled nursing facilities and assisted living facilities)
  • Mike Lahr – Attorney, Disability Rights Montana (representative of the state protection and advocacy system for individuals with mental illness authorized under 42 U.S.C. 10803)
  • Melanie Williams – Program Director, Montana Alzheimer’s Association (representative of a statewide association whose primary purpose is representing individuals with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia;)
  • Ann Geiger – Executive Director, Liberty Place (representative of a statewide association whose primary purpose is representing individuals with traumatic brain injury)
  • Dr. Reza Ghomi – Co-Founder, Frontier Psychiatry (physician with experience in geriatric psychiatry)
  • Sara Hansen-Baiamonte – family member or guardian of an individual who is or has, within the previous 5 years, been committed to the Montana state hospital
  • Mike Randol – Medicaid and Health Services Executive Director (representative of the department of public health and human services)



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