Montana State Legislature
2011-2012 State-Tribal Relations
The State-Tribal Relations Committee acts as a liaison with tribal governments in Montana, encourages state-tribal and local government-tribal cooperation, conducts interim studies as assigned, and may propose legislation and report its activities, findings, or recommendations to the legislature.
The webpage is down for maintenance.
- Agenda - Minutes
- Bullying: U of M
- Bullying: N. Cheyenne
- FEMA: Individuals & Households
- FEMA: Projects by Tribe
- Racial Profiling: MSPOA
- Racial Profiling: MACO
- Racial Profiling in Statute
- Profiling: Helana 2008
- Profiling: Helena 2009
- Profiling: Helena 2010
- Profiling: Helena 2011
- Racial Profiling: Police Academy
- Racial Profiling: MHP Stats
- Racial Profiling: MHP Summary
- Racial Profiling: MHP Policy
- Timber spreadsheet
- Timber Map
- Agenda - Minute
- LC5544 Consultation on heritage properties
- LC6543 Guiding principles for state-tribal interactions
- Letter from N. Cheyenne Tribal-DES rep.
- Letter from Div. Administrator of DES
- F.E.S. Contract Issue
- F.E.S. Contract with highlights
- Opportunity link letter on F.E.S.
- LC 7001 Full faith and credit for tribal court judgements
- Staff memo on Full faith and credit
- Letter to Montana congressional delegation
- LC 6666-Expands definition of Tribal traditional cultural places
- Work Plan
- Summary of agency comments on LC 6666
- Cultural preservation: staff memo
- Legislation Prohibiting Bullying & Harassment
- Cultural Preservation: Matrix of Approaches
- Updated Summary of Agency Comments on LC-6666
- Full faith and credit
- Full faith and credit 5/7
- Montana's congressional delegation on veteran transportation
September 28, 2011
- Suicide Prevention
- Seeds prog 2-pager
- Seeds prog goals
- Live to see the Great Day That Dawns-Chapter 3
- Suicide Fact Sheet
- Census - Blackfeet
January 13, 2012
- Bullying: U of M
- Bullying: N. Cheyenne
- FEMA: Individuals & Households
- FEMA: Projects by Tribe
- Racial Profiling: MSPOA
- Racial Profiling: MACO
- Racial Profiling in Statute
- Profiling: Helana 2008
- Profiling: Helena 2009
- Profiling: Helena 2010
- Profiling: Helena 2011
- Racial Profiling: Police Academy
- Racial Profiling: MHP Stats
- Racial Profiling: MHP Summary
- Racial Profiling: MHP Policy
- Timber spreadsheet
- Timber Map
- Indian Country Economic Development Program Overview
April 4 & 5, 2012
July 20, 2012
- Updated Work Plan - June 19, 2012
September 7, 2012