Montana State Legislature
2011-2012 Environmental Quality Council
The EQC is a state legislative committee created by the 1971 Montana Environmental Policy Act (MEPA). The EQC has 17 members: 6 senators; 6 representatives; 4 public members; and 1 nonvoting member who represents the Governor. The statutory duties of the Council are described in 75-1-324, MCA, of MEPA and in other sections of the Montana Code Annotated.
- Representative Duane Ankney (R)--Vice Chair
- Representative Jerry Bennet (R)
- Representative Bill McChesney (D)
- Representative Michele Reinhart (D)
- Representative Cary L Smith (R)
- Representative Kathleen Williams (D)
- Senator John Brenden (R)
- Senator Bradley Maxon Hamlett (D)
- Senator Jim Keane (D)--Chair
- Senator Rick Ripley (R)
- Senator Chas V Vincent (R)
- Senator Gene Vuckovitch (D)
Public Members
- Mr. Dexter Busby
- Ms. Diane Conradi
- Ms. Mary Fitzpatrick
- Mr. John Youngberg
Governer's Designee
- Agenda
- September 12, 2012 minutes
- September 13, 2012 minutes
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- EQC administrative rule review summary
- Impacts of HB 370, light motor vehicle registration fee update
- HJR 32, LC 9000, LC 9010 public comments summary
- LC 9000
- LC 9010
- HJR 32 draft report
- Public Uses and Eminent Domain
— public comments summary
— draft study report - LC 9020 and public comments summary
- LC 9021 and public comments summary
- LC 9022 and public comments summary
- FWP maintenance account report
- Integrated Waste Management Plan update
- Numeric nutrient standards report
- Petroleum Mixing Zone application update
- Fire Expenditure Summary, FY 2013, DNRC
- Fire Season 2012, Hard Work & Hard Times, DNRC
- Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Discussion Materials, DEQ
- Update on Fire Suppression Costs, LFD
- DEQ agency legislative proposal
- FWP agency legislative proposals
- Draft letter to Congressional Delegation regarding federal airtankers for fire suppression
- Draft letter to Congressional Delegation regarding management of federal forest lands to mitigate wildfire
- Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Wa
- Agenda
- July 18, 2012 minutes
- July 19, 2012 minutes
- Memo to EQC about July meeting
- HJR 32 - Study Management of State Parks and Recreation and Heritage Programs
— LC 9000 amendments, requested by EQC members
— LC 9000 amendments, requested by Montana Game Wardens Assn.
— LC 9010 - Request further study of the Montana Heritage Commission
— HJR 32 draft report
— Impacts of HB 370, light motor vehicle registration fee - HB 142- Review of Statutorily-Required Agency Reports and Advisory Councils
— Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court
— Land banking program report - Agency Oversight
— EQC Administrative Rule Summary
— SB 35 rule review memo - HB 142 (cont.)
— LC 9022 - Eliminate Alternative Livestock Advisory Council
— Draft template for agency compliance and enforcement reports - Agency Oversight (cont.)
— Update on Fire Suppression Costs, LFD
— Agency legislative proposals, DEQ
— Agency legislative proposals, DNRC
— Oil Pipeline Safety Review Council draft report
— HB 613, Petroleum tank release closure report, DEQ - HB 142 (cont.)
— Integrated Waste Management Plan, DEQ
— TMDL progress report, DEQ
— Numeric nutrient standards report, DEQ
— Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI - MEPA study report, DEQ
- Publications update
— Cover memo
— Montana Index of Environmental Permits
— Eminent Domain Handbook
- Agenda
- May 1, 2012 minutes
- May 2, 2012 - Tour Virginia and Nevada Cities
- May 3, 2012 minutes
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- HB 142 - Review of Statutorily-Required Agency Reports and Advisory Councils
— Future Fisheries Improvement Program report, FWP
— Alternative Livestock Advisory Council, FWP
— Boating Advisory Council, FWP
— Private Land/Public Wildlife Council report, FWP
— Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court
— Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI - HB 142 and SJR 26 - Combined Duties
— SJR 26 - Migratory Game Bird Program Update, FWP
— Wetlands Protection Advisory Council, FWP
— Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program report, FWP
— Upland Game Bird Citizens' Advisory Council, FWP - HB 142 - EQC Requested Bill Drafts
— Cover memo
— LC 9020
— LC 9021 - Eminent Domain
— Public Uses and Eminent Domain, draft study report - HJR 32 - Study Management of State Parks and Recreation and Heritage Programs
— HJR 32 cover memo
— LC 9000
— LC 9001
— LC 9002
— Heritage properties managed by state agencies, Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission
— Long range building appropriations request, Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission - EQC Administrative Rule Summary
- Wolf Program Budget Income Sources, FWP
- Agenda
- March 7, 2012 minutes
- March 8, 2012 minutes
- Memo to EQC about March meeting
- HJR 32 - Study Management of State Parks and Recreation and Heritage Programs
- Eminent Domain
— Eminent domain and public use case law
— Letter to EQC from Law and Justice Interim Committee - HB 142 - Review of Statutorily-Required Agency Reports
— Wildland urban interface report, DNRC
— Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program report, DNRC
— Instream flow leasing report, FWP
— Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court - HB 142 - Review of Statutorily-Required Advisory Councils
— Water and Wastewater Operators' Advisory Council, DEQ
— Air Pollution Control Advisory Council, DEQ
— Water Pollution Control Advisory Council, DEQ
— Small Business Assistance Advisory Council, DEQ - EQC Administrative Rule Review Summary
- Wolf Management
— Wolf Program Budget, FWP
— Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan Final EIS, FWP
— Summary of county bounty statutes and local authority to regulate wildlife
— Montana wolf hunting season, FWP
— 2011 Wolf Hunting Season Report, FWP - KRY site cleanup progress report, DEQ
- Agenda
- January 11, 2012 minutes
- January 12, 2012 minutes
- Memo to EQC about January meeting
- HJR 32 - Study Management of State Parks and Recreation and Heritage Programs
— HJR 32 cover memo
— Administration of state parks in and near the Rocky Mountain region
— Western Governors’ Association “Get Out West!” Initiative Information - Eminent Domain
— Public Uses and Eminent Domain
— HB 198 (2011) Litigation Update
— Eminent Domain in the Public Utility Space, Scott Hempling - HB 142 - Review of Statutorily-Required Agency Reports
— Compliance and enforcement report, DOAg
— Compliance and enforcement report, DNRC
— Compliance and enforcement report, DEQ
— Clark Fork River Basin Task Force
— Water Leasing Study, FWP
— Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI
— HB 613, Petroleum tank release closure report, DEQ
— Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court - EQC Administrative Rule Review Summary
- Wolf Management Update
— Hunting season harvest data, FWP
— Hunting season harvest map, FWP
— Hunting season extension document for FWP Commission
— Hunting season regulations, FWP
— Work-financial plan between FWP and USDA Wildlife Services
— U.S. Department of Interior letter regarding funding for wolf management
- Agenda
- September 14, 2011 minutes
- September 15, 2011 minutes
- Memo to EQC about September meeting
- Final Rules and Procedures
- Final Work Plan
- Final Work Plan Matrix
- HJR 32 - A summary of existing programs and past reports on state parks, outdoor recreation, and heritage resource programs
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI
- EQC Administrative Rule Review Summary
- KRY Site Status Sheet, DEQ
- Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court
- FWP maintenance accounts report
- DEQ litigation status report
- FWP litigation status report
- DNRC litigation status report
- Agenda
- May 24, 2011 minutes
- Memo to EQC about May meeting
- Draft Work Plan
- Draft Work Plan Matrix
- EQC Administrative Rule Review Summary
- Basin location and adjudication status, DNRC and Water Court
- Draft Rules and Procedures
- A Council Member's Guide to the Environmental Quality Council
- 2011 Natural Resource Bills
- DNRC Overview
- Memo on HB 142 requirements
- Memo on additional EQC duties assigned by 2011 Legislature
Assigned Studies
HJR 32 (2011): Study Management Of State Parks And Recreation And Heritage Programs
- HJ 32
- HJR 32 final report
- HJ 32: A summary of existing programs and past reports on state parks, outdoor recreation, and heritage resource programs
- Montana Historical Society Financial-Compliance Audit, April 1999
- State Parks Program Performance Audit, February 2001
- Montana Historical Society Financial-Compliance Audit, March 2001
- Montana Historical Society Financial-Compliance Audit, February 2003
- Virginia and Nevada City Historic Site Management Performance Audit, February 2003
- Issues Impacting the Fiscal Health of the State Parks Program, LFC, November 19, 2009
- State Parks: Update, LFC, June 2, 2010
- Property Analysis State Park Lands, LFC, June 2, 2010
- Report to the 2011 Legislature, Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission
- 2010 Economic Impact Survey of Visitors to Montana State Parks
- Montanan's Opinions Regarding Montana State Park Funding: A Montana Poll Finding, January 2011
- HJR 32 Historic Preservation Historic Preservation Study, ELG, 2009-2010
- Administration of state parks in and near the Rocky Mountain region
- Western Governors? Association ?Get Out West!? Initiative Information
- HJR 32 - Financial and other information requested by the EQC
- Heritage properties managed by state agencies, Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission
- Long range building appropriations request, Montana Heritage Preservation and Development Commission
- See also Proposed Legislation in tab below
SJ 26 (2011): Review Specific DFWP And DEQ Programs And Activities
- SJ 26
- KRY Site Status Sheet, DEQ
- KRY site cleanup progress report, DEQ
- Petroleum tank release closure report, DEQ
- Petroleum mixing zone application update, DEQ
HB 142 (2011): Review Advisory Councils And Reports
Advisory Councils
- Water and Wastewater Operators' Advisory Council, DEQ
- Air Pollution Control Advisory Council, DEQ
- Water Pollution Control Advisory Council, DEQ
- Small Business Assistance Advisory Council, DEQ
- Alternative Livestock Advisory Council, FWP
- Boating Advisory Council, FWP
- Wetlands Protection Advisory Council, FWP
- Upland Game Bird Citizens' Advisory Council, FWP
- See also Proposed Legislation in tab below
- HB 142
- Memo on HB 142 requirements
- Compliance and enforcement report, DOAg
- Compliance and enforcement report, DNRC
- Compliance and enforcement report, DEQ
- Clark Fork River Basin Task Force, August 2011
- Water Leasing Study, FWP
- HB 613, Petroleum tank release closure report, DEQ
- Wildland urban interface report, DNRC
- Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program report, DNRC
- Instream flow leasing report, FWP
- Future Fisheries Improvement Program report, FWP
- Private Land/Public Wildlife Council report, FWP
- SJR 26 - Migratory Game Bird Program Update, FWP
- Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program report, FWP
- Land banking Program report, DNRC
- Solid waste management report, DEQ
- TMDL progress report, DEQ
- Numeric nutrient standards report, July 2012
- FWP maintenance account report
- Integrated Waste Management Plan update, DEQ
- Numeric nutrient standards report, September 2012
- Clark Fork River Basin Task Force, September 2012
Statutory Duties
HB 22 (2005): Adjudication Status
- Basin location and adjudication status, May 2011
- Basin location and adjudication status, September 2011
- Basin location and adjudication status, January 2012
- Basin location and adjudication status, March 2012
- Basin location and adjudication status, May 2012
- Basin location and adjudication status, July 2012
- Basin location and adjudication status, September 2012
HB 198 (2011): Eminent Domain
- HB 198
- Public Uses and Eminent Domain, final report
- HB 198 Litigation Update
- Eminent domain and public use case law
- Letter to EQC from Law and Justice Interim Committee
- Public Uses and Eminent Domain, draft study report
HB 533 (2011)
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI, September 2011
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI, January 2012
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI, May 2012
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI, July 2012
- Jobs report re new coal leasing laws, DOLI, September 2012
Wildfire Management
- Fire Expenditure Summary, FY 2013, DNRC
- Fire Season 2012, Hard Work & Hard Times, DNRC
- Wildfire Smoke and Air Quality Discussion Materials, DEQ
- Update on Fire Suppression Costs, September 2012, LFD
Wolf Management Update
- Hunting season harvest data, as of December 20, 2011, FWP
- Hunting season harvest map, as of December 1, 2011, FWP
- Hunting season extension document for FWP Commission
- Hunting season regulations, FWP
- Work-financial plan between FWP and USDA Wildlife Services
- U.S. Department of Interior letter regarding funding for wolf management
- Wolf Program Budget, FWP
- Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan Final EIS, FWP
- Summary of county bounty statutes and local authority to regulate wildlife
- Montana wolf hunting season, March 8, 2012 update, FWP
- 2011 Wolf Hunting Season Report, FWP
- Wolf Program Budget Income Sources, FWP
Proposed Legislation
- LC 9000 - Creating the State Parks and Recreation Board and renaming the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission
- Draft 1: April 16, 2012 (Draft for public comment)
- LC 9001 - Creating the State Parks, Recreation, and Heritage Board, renaming the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission, and eliminating the Montana Heritage and Preservation Development Commission
- Draft 1: April 16, 2012 (No longer under consideration)
- LC 9002 - Creating a State Parks, Recreation, and Heritage Board, renaming the Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Commission, and transforming the Montana Heritage and Preservation Development Commission into an advisory council
- Draft 1: April 16, 2012 (No longer under consideration)
- LC 9010 - Request further study of the Montana Heritage Commission
- Draft 1: June 29, 2012 (Draft for public comment)
- LC 9020 - Eliminating the requirement that the DNRC submit a progress report for the designation of wildland-urban interface parcels
- Draft 1: April 16, 2012 (Draft for public comment)
- Public comments summary
- LC 9021 - Eliminating the Air Pollution Advisory Control Council and its functions
- Draft 1: April 16, 2012 (Draft for public comment)
- Public comments summary
- LC 9022 - Eliminating the Alternative Livestock Advisory Council
- Draft 1: May 24, 2012 (Draft for public comment)
- Public comments summary