Montana State Legislature
2013-2014 State Administration and Veterans' Affairs
Final Reports:
- SAVA final report on interim activities
- Green Sheets - Pension Plans
- Legislator's Guide to Montana's Public Employee Retirement Systems - DRAFT
- Representative Bryce Bennet (D)--Vice Chair
- Representative Joanne Blyton(R)
- Representative Doug Kary (R)
- Representative Kathy Swanson (D)
- Senator Dee L Brown (R)--Chair
- Senator Larry Jent (D)
- Senator Dave Lewis (R)
- Senator Sue Malek (D)
During this 2013-14 interim, SAVA is examining the topics listed below. Click on the link to go to a webpage dedicated to that topic.
- HJR 1- Study Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- SJR 14 - Study Combining Primary & School Elections
- Pension Oversight
- Agency Oversight
Other/Emerging Issues
State Employee Health Clinic
- August 20, 2013 - Meeting Page, see tab below
- December 10, 2013 - Meeting Page, see tab below
- February 6, 2014 - Meeting Page, see tab below
- August 15, 2014 - Meeting Page - Panel Discussion, see tab below
- November 17, 2015 - Meeting Page, see tab below
- Solicitation letter for bill draft ideas
- Consolidated packet of responses
- VA data on Montana Veterans- response to Sen. Brown's request
- Sen. Brown's bullet point summary of responses
- Sen. Brown's draft letter for VSO in Glasgow
- Agenda- as of 7/9/13 (2)
- Minutes Log - audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Unofficial Summary of Actions
- Interim Committee Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines
- Overview of Duties and Proposed Work Plan: 2013-2014
- Overviews of each agency under SAVA's jurisdiction
- Office of Secretary of State
- Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Department of Administration
- Public Employees' Retirement Board
- Agency Rule Review matters
- Packet concerning MPERA's HB 454 rules
- Background outline on HB 454 rules, by Sheri Scurr
- Sen. Essmann's request for AG opinion
- Overview of Rulemaking and Administrative Rule Activity, by Ginger Aldrich
- Handout of testimony from Melanie Symons, MPERS
- Actuarial tables for HB 454 - projected funded ratios and amortization periods
- Continuation of Agency Overviews
- Department of Military Affairs
- Board of Veterans' Affairs
- Teachers' Retirement Board
September 18, 2013 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda
- Minutes Log - audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Legal Memo: Title 20 (School Elections) and Title 13 (Elections)
- Legal Memo: Local control issue regarding combining school elections
- Composite spreadsheet of election deadlines - EVEN YEARS- updated 9/18/13
- Composite spreadsheet of election deadlines - ODD YEARS - updated 9/18/13
- Sec. of State summary chart by jurisdiction and election type
- Summary chart of special districts - working draft, work in progress
- Supporting resource material on dates and deadlines
- Agenda
- Minutes Log - audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Process, Power, and People: Nutshell summary of how campaign, ethics, and lobbying complaints are handled in Montana
- 50-state survey report on political practices
- Optional Decision Tool and Discussion Questions for CPP Round Table
- Introduction to Panel Members for HJR 1 Discussion
- Steve Brown's memo on Commissioner of Political Practices Office
- Letter from Commissioner Motl on Next Steps for HJR 1 Study
- Summary of FY 2013 Actuarial Valuations for public pensions
- Return on Investment assumption for pensions, research memo for Sen. Lewis
- Actuarial Standard No. 27 on setting economic assumptions
- Pension Lawsuits Summary
- Pension Lawsuits At-A-Glance
- Veterans' Courts- Power Point - Jeff Kushner
- Montana Drug Courts: An Updated Snapshot of Success and Hope
- Agenda
- Minutes Log - audio and video files are linked on SAVA's main page
- Part 1 - General Provisions
- Part 2 - School Elections
- Part 3 - Title 7, Local Government
- Part 4 - Other Special Purpose Districts
- Reference Documents
February 6, 2014 - Meeting Materials
- Agenda - as of 2/6/14
- Minutes Log
HJR 1 Study of Commissioner of Political Practices Office (COPP)
- Updated 50-state survey of how campaign, lobbying, and ethics complaints are handled
- Summary of Dec. 10 discussion on Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Legal memo on appointment of Commissioner of Political Practices
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Jan. 17, 2014
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Jan. 28, 2014
- Letter to Sen. Brown from Commissioner Motl - Feb. 4, 2014
Veterans Information
- Research Memorandum presenting veteran population data
- Montana Veterans Affairs Division (MVAD) Booklet
- MVAD statistics
- MVAD Cemetery Program Booklet
- MVAD Drivers' License Poster
Pension Information
SJR 14 Study of Election Dates and Deadlines
Rule Review Activity
Work Session
- HJR 1 - States with fines for errors or ommissions in campaign finance reports
- HJR 1 - Options for changing laws related to the Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- HJR 1 - Chart of MCA sections overturned or modified by court ruling
- Pension plan triggers, MCA sections
- Pension Lawsuits Procedural Status Updates
- SJR 14 - Election Subcommittee Recommendations
- SJR 14 - Memo concerning out-of-state voting rights for County Water & Sewer Districts
- SJR 14 - LCeleR - Preliminary election revision bill (work in progress)
- Rule Review
- Rule Rev. Memo re Notice 2-63-504 (State Lottery Commission)
- Rule Rev. Memo re Notice 44-2-195 (Secretary of State) (Revised)
- Rule Rev. Memo re Declaratory Ruling COPP-2013-0001 (COPP)
Agency Legislative Proposals
- Commissioner of Political Practices
- Department of Military Affairs
- Department of Administration
- Secretary of State
HJR 1 - Study of Office of Commissioner of Political Practices
- LCsa01 - bill draft revising selection of Commissioner of Political Practices
SJR 14 - Study of Election Laws
- LCsa02 - bill draft revised as to June 4, 2014
- Section-by-section summary of LCsa02
- Info. request on Simms High School tech levy election
Pension Oversight
- Request for board meetings to be held in Captiol
- Response by Budget Director Dan Villa
- Letter from David Ewer, Exec. Dir. of Board of Investments
- LCsa03 - bill draft revising contributions related to triggers in PERS -revised as of 6/2/2014
- Summary of LCsa03 and some policy questions
Rule Review
August 15, 2014 - Meeting Materials
HJR 1 Study of Commissioner of Political Practices Office
SJR 14 Election Law Study
- LC0143 (formerly LCsa02) - Generally revise election laws
- Summary of Major Provisions - as of June 24, 2014
- Section-by-Section Summary - as of June 24, 2014
- Table of Candidate and Ballot Deadlines
- Addendum - Other Changes to LC0143
Committee Bills - Emerging Issues
- LC0144 (formerly LCsa03) - Revise contribution termination triggers in PERS
- LC0145 - Clarify authority of Sec. of State to charge certain fees
- LC0146 - Revise disclosure required on election materials
- Potential LC, but not yet requested - Remedy for election administration irregularities - gathering ideas for potential bill drafts only
Agency Oversight
Commissioner Of Political Practices
Department Of Administration
Board Of Veteran's Affairs
Teachers' Retirement Board
Public Employees' Retirement Board
Veterans Services Panel
Rule Review Activity
- Secretary of State - MAR Notice - 44-2-199 - Returned Check Fees
- Montana Public Employees' Retirement Board - MAR Notice 2-43-510 - Proposed Adoption by Reference of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document and Montana Public Employee Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Document
- Montana Public Employees' Retirement Board - MAR Notice 2-43-509 - Proposed Adoption by Reference of Montana 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan Investment Policy Statement
Public Comment
- Meeting Minutes
- Second Revised Agenda
- Pension plans
- Green Sheet Summary Charts of 2014 Actuarial Valuation Results
- TRS PowerPoint on July 1, 2014, Valuation Results
- Board of Investments PowerPoint
- TRS benefits and funding policy
- MPERA benefits and funding policies
- Board of Investments policy
- SAVA's pension policy principles - 2012
- Info request responses to Sen. Lewis
- TRS cashflow - PERS cashflow
- Legislator's Guide, 2008
- LFD Quick Notes on prior pension bills
- LSD sample template for pension bill analysis
- LC 144, LC 144b, LC 144c - Three options for revising the termination of certain contributions in PERS
- LC 332 - Revising allocation of employer contributions in the PERS DC plan
- SJR 14 - Election Study
- LC 143- General revision of election laws - as of Nov. 5
- Section-by-section summary - as of Nov. 5
- Veterans' Outreach
- Rule Review
- MAR 2-5-518: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - State Procurement of Supplies and Services
- MAR 44-2-200: Notice of Public Hearing concerning Business Services Division fees for Manual and Online Searches and Miscellaneous Business Entity Report Fees
- MAR 44-2-201: Notice of Public Hearing concerning Filing and PUblication Schedule for the Montana Administrative Register
Proposed Legislation
HJR 1 - Study Of Commissioner Of Political Practices
- LCsa01 - Require Governor to appoint COPP from list
of nominees (as of 8/15/2014)
SJR 14 - Study of Elections
- LC0143 - Generally revise election laws (as of 8/15/2014)
- Section-by-section summary
Pension Oversight
- LC0144 - Revise termination and allow board to adjust certain contributions in PERS (as of 8/15/2014)
Emerging Issues
State Administration and Veterans' Affairs Interim Committee
Rule Review Activity
- * The complete text for any of the proposed rules listed below, including any hearing information, may be accessed by visiting and entering the MAR Notice Number in the “Search by Notice No.” field in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
- Additional information regarding administrative rulemaking and the Legislature’s role in the administrative rulemaking process may be accessed here.
Department of Administration and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memos/Other Documents |
8/21/2014 | 2-5-518 | Department of Administration | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - State Procurement of Supplies and Services | 08/21/2014 |
7/24/2014 | 2-67-513 | Board of County Printing | Adopted: Notice of Amendment - Minimum Font Size in Printing Standards | |
4/10/2014 | 2-67-505 | Board of County Printing | Corrected and Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Maximum Pricing and Printing Standards. | 04/10/2014 |
3/27/2014 | 2-63-504 | State Lottery Commission | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Procedural Rules - Definitions - Retailer Commissions - Business Changes - Prizes - License Requirements and Endorsements - Sale of Scratch Tickets. | 03/26/2014 |
12/26/2013 | 2-63-503 | State Lottery Commission | Superseded by Notice 2-63-504 (see above): Notice of Proposed amendment and repeal: Procedural rules, definitions, retailer commissions, business chages, prizes, license requirements and endorsements, and sale of scratch tickets. | 01/24/2014 |
12/26/2013 | 2-5-488 | Department of Administration | Adopted: Notice of public hearing on proposed amendment - pertaining to state procurement of supplies and services. | 01/27/2014 |
9/19/2013 | 2-21-492 | Department of Administration
Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Payroll Rules. | 10/10/2013 |
6/20/2013 | 2-21-473 | Department of Administration
Adopted: VEBA plan. | 7/9/2013 |
5/9/2013 | 2-65-480 | Burial Preservation Board | Adopted: Repatriation of Human Skeletal Remains - Funerary Objects - Human Skeletal Remains - Burial Site Protection. | 7/9/2013 |
1/31/2013 | 2-21-474 | Department of Administration | Adopted: Equal Employment Opportunity - Nondiscrimination - Harassment Prevention. | 7/9/2013 |
Department of Military Affairs and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memos/Other Documents |
N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Secretary of State and administratively attached entities
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memos/Other Documents |
11/20/2014 | 44-2-203 | Commissioner of Political Practices | Notice of Proposed Amendment - Payment Threshold--Inflation Adjustment for Lobbyists. No Public Hearing Contemplated. | 12/5/2014 |
9/4/2014 | 44-2-200 | Secretary of State | Adopted and Amended: Notice of Public Hearing concerning Business Services Division fees for Manual and Online Searches and Miscellaneous Business Entity Report Fees | 9/4/2014 |
9/4/2014 | 44-2-201 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing concerning Filing and Publication Schedule for the Montana Administrative Register | 9/4/2014 |
8/7/2014 | 44-2-199 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Returned Check Service Fees | 8/8/2014 |
5/22/2014 | 44-2-196 | Secretary of State | Adopted (with amendments): Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Fees Charged by the Business Services Division | 5/23/2014 |
3/13/2014 | 44-2-195 | Secretary of State | Corrected and Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Fees Charged by the Business Services Division. | 04/04/2014 (Revised) |
3/27/2014 | Declaratory Ruling COPP-2013-0001 | Commissioner of Political Practices |
Notice of Refusal to Issue a Declaratory Ruling |
3/28/2014 |
10/17/2013 | 44-2-194 | Commissioner of Political Practices | Adopted: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Limitations on Receipts From Political Committees to Legislative Candidates | 10/16/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 44-2-193 | Commisisoner of Political Practices | Adopted: Notice of Proposed Amendment - Limitations on Individual and Political Party Contributions. |
9/19/2013 | 44-2-192 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Scheduled Dates for the 2014 Montana Administrative Register. | 10/9/2013 |
8/22/2013 | 44-2-191 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Rulemaking Notice Requirements. | 8/21/2013 |
9/19/2013 | 44-2-189 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Filing Fees for Limited Liability Companies. | 7/9/2013 |
9/19/2013 | 44-2-187 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment and Repeal - Montana Absent Uniformed Services and Overseas Voter Act. | 7/9/2013 |
9/5/2013 | 44-2-190 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment - Fees Charged by Records and Information Management. | 8/2/2013 |
9/19/2013 | 44-2-181 | Secretary of State | Corrected and Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption, Amendment, Amendment and Transfer, and Transfer - Elections. | 8/2/2013 Objection Letter SoS Response 7/9/2013 |
8/22/2013 | 44-2-188 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Rulemaking Notice Requirements. | 7/9/2013 |
6/20/2013 | 44-2-186 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Fees Charged by the Business Services Division - Output Relating to the Farm Bill Master List. | 7/9/2013 |
3/14/2013 | 44-2-183 | Secretary of State | Adopted: Delegated Authority for the Disposal of Public Records. | |
1/31/2013 | 44-2-185 | Commissioner of Political Practices | Adopted: Notice of Adoption of Amendment - Payment Threshold - Inflation Adjustment for Lobbyists. | 7/9/2013 |
Public Employee Retirement Plans
MAR Notice Date | MAR Notice Number* | Agency, Board or Commission | Subject | Staff Memos/Other Documents |
6/26/2014 | 2-43-510 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Adoption by reference of the State of Montana Public Employee Defined Contribution Plan Document and the State of Montana Public Employee Deferred Compensation (457) Plan Document. | 7/2/2014 |
6/26/2014 | 2-43-509 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Investment Policy Statement for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan | 7/2/2014 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-498 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - Various Rules Concerning the Operation of the MPERB-Administered Retirement Systems | 10/18/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-497 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - One-for-Five Additional Service - Guaranteed Annual Benefit Adjustment Coverage | 10/17/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-496 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - Name Change of Montana University System Optional Retirement Program | 10/17/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-495 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - Correction of Defined Benefit Reporting Errors - Disability Benefit Application - Return to Employment Within Same Jurisdiction | 10/18/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-494 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - Calculation of Highest Average Compensation or Final Average Compensation | 10/18/2013 |
10/17/2013 | 2-43-493 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted:Notice of Proposed Amendment - Adoption of Deferred Compensation Plan Document and Trust Agreement | 10/18/2013 |
8/22/2013 | 2-43-491 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption and Amendment - Required Employer Reports Regarding Employer Contributions Paid on Behalf of University Employees Who Elect to Participate in the Optional Retirement Program Rather Than in the Public Employees' Retirement System. | |
8/22/2013 | 2-43-490 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Adoption - Criteria to Be Used by the Board's Actuary to Obtain Information Related to PERS, Its Amortization Period, Its Funding Status, Its Future GABA Rates, and Its Actuarial Equivalent Factors. | |
7/11/2013 | 2-43-487 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Notice of proposed amendment - Amended Investment Policy Statements for the Defined Contribution Retirement Plan and the D457 Deferred Compensation Plan. | 8/2/2013 |
8/22/2013 | 8/21/2013 | |||
8/22/2013 | 2-43-483 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Establishing a Process for the Payment on Employer Contributions on Behalf of Working Retirees, Including Independent Contractors and Other Workers in PERS-Covered Positions. | 8/2/2013 7/9/2013 |
6/20/2013 | 2-43-482 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board |
Adopted: Emergency Rule / Emergency Amendment of a Current Rule - Increased PERS Employer Contributions Paid on Behalf of University Employees Who Elect to Participate in the Optional Retirement Program Rather Than in the Public Employees' Retirement System. (Expired). |
7/9/2013 5/28/2013 |
6/20/2013 | 2-43-478 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Emergency Rules - Criteria to Be Used by the Board's Actuary to Obtain Information Related to PERS, Its Amortization Period, Its Funding Status, Its Future GABA Rates, and Its Actuarial Equivalent Factors. (Expired). | 7/9/2013 5/28/2013 |
5/23/2013 | 2-43-477 | Public Employees’ Retirement Board | Adopted: Definitions - Required Employer Reports - Payment of Estimated Benefits - Return to Covered Employment by PERS, SRS, or FURS - Retiree Report - Death Payments - Survivor Benefits - Optional Retirement Benefits. | 7/9/2013 |