Children, Families, Health and Human Services


The Children and Families Committee has completed its work for the interim. Members agreed to introduce eight bills as committee bills in the 2019 legislative session.

Seven of the bills involved the committee's HJR 24 study of community services for adults with developmental disabilities. The eighth stemmed from its review of Medicaid expansion.

The committee's activities are summarized in the following final reports: HJR 24 Study: DD Services for AdultsHJR 20 Study: Health Care Price Transparency, and HJR 17 Study: Prescription Drug Pricing.

More information on all of the the committee's interim activities is available on the Committee Topics page page. A list of committee-approved legislation is available on the Legislation page. 

Full Committee

HJR 20 Subcommittee

The video/audio meeting archives are still under development. However, meeting recordings are available using the interface below.

A Guide to Using the Archives

Past/Current Recordings

The Children and Families Interim Committee is a joint bipartisan committee of the Legislature that meets between legislative sessions to monitor the Department of Public Health and Human Services; conduct interim studies; and generally review issues related to health and human services.

The work plan adopted by the committee in September 2017 outlines how it will carry out those duties.

Committee Staff:

Sue O'Connell, Research Analyst
Alexis Sandru, Attorney
Fong Hom, Secretary