Montana State Legislature

Legislative Week

Materials from the Legislative Week


Overall Schedule of Legislative Committee Meetings, Training, and Legislator Opportunities (as of 1/12/20)

SB 310 Study on the Legislature: Legislator and Public Comment Sought on January 14, 2020, 8 a.m., Room 137
See Flyer!  

Detailed Schedule of Tuesday January 14, 2020

Wednesday Breakout Session Agendas and Reference Materials 

Legislative Fiscal Information on HB 715 Study

Press Release  12/20/2019


  • Other Social Events by Outside Parties 
  • For more information, please email or call (406) 444-3066.

January 13th-17th, 2020

The Legislative Council and the Legislative Finance Committee sponsored a Legislative Week when all legislators were invited to get together and receive training.  Tuesday and Wednesday were scheduled for all legislators to attend training sessions.  Many interim committees met Monday, Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday which provided an opportunity for legislators that are not on the committees to attend.

The purpose was to bring legislators together to “cross-pollinate” and provide opportunities to receive some additional training and share information.  It is also being held in conjunction with the study in Senate Bill No. 310 that is looking into annual sessions and this was a chance to meet in January 2020 as a small way to try on meeting every year.

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