Montana State Legislature

HJ 18 - Study Remediation of Smurfit-Stone Mill Site

HJ 18 - Study Remediation of Smurfit-Stone Mill Site

Legislative Council assigned the House Joint Resolution No. 18 study to the Environmental Quality Council. The study ranked third among the polled studies. 

Background Materials and Resources

EQC Meeting on November 13
Citizen Review Board Act Slides
CAG Conservation District
CAG Slides
EPA Smurfit Fact Sheets
Clark Fork Fish Consumption Advisory - FWP
Fish Consumption Guidance - FWP
Missoula County Presentation
Smurfit History and Update - EPA Presentation
Smurfit-Stone Superfund Site - Timeline
Remedial Investigation Sample Summary
MBMG Reports

EQC Meeting on January 18 & 19
Smurfit TWG Meeting Readout - Dec. 2023
Outfall Pipes DNRC Dec. 2023

EQC Meeting on March 13& 14
Outfalls Letter DNRC
Outfalls Response DNRC

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Council staff:
Joe Kolman, Legislative Environmental Analyst
Jason Mohr, Research Analyst
Trevor Graff, Research Analyst
Joe Carroll, Attorney
Jolanda Songer, Secretary

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